then slowly transforms the Bikuri into Victory and proclaims happily he obtained a Victory. He first says he's surprised (Bikuri) that he won. In the Japanese version, Jude leaves off a horrible pronunciation pun when winning in the Battle Arena.But this time, they admit it was on purpose (but still maintain that they're just "That kind of team.") After the Advanced Party matches, each member of the group attributes their victory to a different party member (Jude->Milla->Alvin->Elize->Rowen->Leia->Jude). Following the Beginner set, the announcer asks what they each contribute their group victory to, and all of them say different things that are actually variations of the exact same thing ("Teamwork!"), which is immediately lampshaded by the announcer, prompting to group to remark that this wasn't intentional and that they're just that kind of team. The interviews after the party battle matches are also priceless.He says Jude's speech is boring, and doesn't even let Alvin get to say anything.

Not five seconds later, Rowen doesn't show the slightest anger, wearily saying he's no match for the group's stubbornness. When Elize is allowed to join the group again, Teepo latches his mouth onto Rowen.cut to Jude with absolutely no surprise whatsoever, and on his shoulders, a curious Milla who's wondering about what just happened but isn't particularly alarmed. Leia passes by Jude and flies off the pier, wheelchair and all, loudly crying out "DO OVVEEERRRRRRR!" and clumsily skipping a few times into the water. Leia's introduction: she comes in having a speed race on a wheelchair with two children, and realize too late that Jude-carrying-Milla are in their way, so they quickly 'try' to stop, which fails miserably.Milla's reaction to Jude and Ivar's battle at the harbor: she crawls away, because she thinks their fight is stupid.The boar stuck in a hole and crashing against the horse carrying Milla with her injured legs is hilarious, complete with a distorted freeze frame.Elize and Driselle literally drag Milla along for a shopping spree.Jude just exasperatedly asks what sort of books has Milla been reading!? Milla assumes that it's a scheming, back-stabbing sort of family that she got from a book she read. When Jude has to take Milla to his hometown so that his father can cure her legs, he says that his relationship between his family is pretty complicated as they prioritize work.As a guardian, he's super Hot-Blooded and jumps the gun quickly. Alvin: Oh, well, I'm afraid my wings are, you know, nonexistent.